Donate Stock
Many choose to contribute to the xxxx视频 by transferring appreciated stock. By transferring stock to the Institute, you may be able to claim a federal income tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the effective date of your gift.
To make a direct transfer from your broker to xxxx视频鈥檚 broker, US Bank, please follow these steps:
- Notify Mark Litzler of your gift by calling 216.795.3168, or by email.
- Provide the following information to your broker in order to transfer the stock to US Bank:
- DTC#: 2803
- Account name: xxxx视频 (Gift)
- Account number: 001050978328
- Agent Bank & Institutional ID: 26645
- Your broker will also require a letter of authorization.
- Your gift will be valued the day your stock is received.
If you prefer to make a direct contribution of cash, visit