xxxx视频 is pleased to offer something new for prospective Chinese applicants!
We are holding auditions for piano (other instruments may be added at a later date), hosted by IME-Institute of Music Elites (IME国际音乐教育) in Nanjing, China.
If you are an international student interested in this opportunity, your first step is to apply to xxxx视频. Additional details about how to set up your audition at IME will be added soon.
City: Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Audition location: IME City Hall, Nanjing (IME城市音乐厅·南京)
Address: Floor 3, Building B2, JF LeChuang Center, 68 HuaChuang Rd, JiangBei New District, Nanjing (南京市江北新区华创路68号景枫乐创中心B2栋三层)
Please contact our Admission team via email or contact IME directly on WeChat (ID: IMERecording) or by scanning the QR code below.